While it seems unfathomable, it’s true some sports stadiums have banned noisemakers. That means items such as thundersticks, vuvuzela stadium horns, and cowbells are not allowed to cheer on your favorite team.
We’ve seen these type of “silly” artificial noisemaker bans in the past, for example, when the SEC banned cowbells (aimed at Mississippi State University). However, that ban has now been lifted. Some high schools and colleges may have bans on certain types of noisemakers, so make sure you know your local stadium ordinances before buying these noisemaking spirit items. Rarely does a stadium ban ALL noisemakers, so you can usually find several great options to sell at your games and raise money for your team or club.
But most of us have built-in noisemakers. We can still get rowdy and boisterous using only our voices.
However, to promote fans to cheer at their loudest, an arsenal of stadium spirit items is helpful. These items are also important for fundraising.
It’s true that fans are 53.72% louder when cheering in conjunction with waiving items such as foam fingers, rally towels, or pom poms.
Okay, I’ll admit I made up that statistic, but I’ll stand behind the premise of the statement that fans cheer louder when they have cheering items supporting their team. If they have any bit of shyness, it’s easy to crack open that shell when they are “hiding” behind a giant foam finger.
When horns and thundersticks aren’t available, I promise, your crowd will adapt. You can’t deny them their right to yell and get crazy for their favorite team. Just give them access to alternative cheering items such as custom megaphones, and you’ll see your fans will not disappoint when it comes to making some noise for your team!
Since 1999, Perfect Imprints has specialized in team spirit items. We’re here to help should you want ideas to promote your team.