The Gift of Safe Driving: 10 Creative and Awesome Slogans for Your Branded Ice Scrapers

Published: Author: Patrick Black

10 creative ideas and examples of slogans for custom ice scrapers to promote your business

One of the worst ways to start off a day is by walking outside to see a sheet of ice on the windshield of your car... only to realize you don't currently own an ice scraper!

Sure, there are other ways that you can try to remove ice from a windshield. But none of them will work quite as well as ice scrapers will.

For this reason, businesses should consider using branded ice scrapers as promotional products. People will definitely remember your company name and logo when you make it easier for them to clean their cars off in the wintertime.

And if you want to go the extra mile for people, branded ice scrapers can make that possible as well. You can add a creative winter slogan to your scrapers to show just how much you care about your customers.

Here are 10 awesome winter slogans to consider.

1. "Be Alert, Accidents Hurt"

There are more than 40,000 slip and fall accidents that take place in and around workplaces on an annual basis. Many of these accidents are the result of snow and ice and put people out of work for several days by leading to broken bones and other injuries.

And those are just the accidents that occur when people are on the job. There are also tens of thousands of other people who hurt themselves while walking around on icy and snowy sidewalks outside of their homes.

If you want to help people avoid these kinds of accidents as well as motor vehicle accidents, remind them about the importance of winter safety. Put a slogan like, "Be alert, accidents hurt," on a 10" Ice Scraper With Digital Imprint.

It'll serve as a welcomed reminder each and every time they go outside to clear snow and ice off their car.

2. "Check Twice Before You Venture Onto the Ice"

No matter how experienced a person is when it comes to driving, they should avoid driving on ice under any circumstances. Driving on icy roads can provide unpredictable conditions and lead to them being involved in an accident.

Every year, icy roads lead to:

  • More than 500,000 car accidents
  • Almost 140,000 injuries
  • About 2,000 deaths

Icy roads also lead to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property damage and ruin millions of people's days due to the traffic jams they cause.

Your company can use branded ice scrapers to make people think twice about driving on ice. When you put this winter slogan on a 10" Polar Ice Scraper, they will often reconsider whether or not they really have to go out on the road when it's bad out.

3. "Ice and Snow, Take It Slow"

While people should definitely think twice before driving in snow and ice, there are going to be times when they need to go out when the roads are bad.

When they do, they should:

  • Watch how quickly they're accelerating and decelerating
  • Give themselves plenty of time to brake
  • Avoid tailgating other vehicles
  • Steer clear of crossing paths with snow plows
  • Stay off hills

They should also "take it slow" as this winter slogan suggests and drive well below the posted speed limit. Driving slow is really the only way to give yourself the time you'll need to handle snowy and icy patches.

Most people know that driving fast in the snow and ice is a big no-no. But it never hurts to remind them again.

Put the words "ICE AND SNOW, TAKE IT SLOW!" in big, bold letters on a colorful 11.5" Polar Ice Scraper and make sure they remember that driving slow in the snow is mandatory.

4. "Snowplows Need Room to Groom"

One of the reasons why it's recommended for people to stay home when it snows outside is so that snowplows can hit the streets and do their jobs. Plows work to clear roads of snow and ice so that people can start using them again.

If vehicles are out on the road with snowplows, it can make it harder for snowplow drivers to get roads clean. It can also increase the chances of a snowplow getting into an accident with a vehicle.

Fortunately, accidents involving snowplows are pretty rare. There are usually less than 100 of them every year in most states.

But they do happen, so drivers should be mindful of them and do their best to steer clear of them. They should also stay off the roads so that snowplows can get to work in the aftermath of a bad storm.

Your business can caution people against driving around when snowplows are on the road with an 11.5" Ice Scraper With Digital Imprint. You can include this winter slogan as well as a small photo of a snowplow just to drive the point home if you want.

5. "Wait for the Blizzard to Subside Before Going Outside"

There are so many things that you can do when you're stuck at home during a blizzard. You can:

  • Binge-watch your favorite shows on Netflix
  • Play board games with your family members
  • Attempt to get some work done from home
  • Read that book that you've been meaning to read for months now
  • Reorganize your closet, attic, basement, etc.
  • Get some much-needed sleep

So with this mind, why do so many people still insist on trying to drive around during a blizzard?!

There are some people who simply can't afford to take off from work due to snow. Doctors, firemen, and other essential employees can't call out simply because of snow.

But everyone else should be parked at home on their couch. Let people know that they should stay home by putting this winter slogan on a 3-in-1 Ice Scraper.

These branded ice scrapers will make them turn around and go back inside when they go to clean off their vehicles.

6. "Prepare and Prevent, Don't Repair and Repent"

Despite all the risks of driving in the snow and ice that we've already mentioned, there will inevitably be some people who will still refuse to stay off the road. They'll insist on driving, regardless of how bad it might get outside.

If your company wants to make a last-ditch effort to stop them, use your branded ice scrapers to tell them about one of the other consequences they might face by driving in snow and ice. Remind them that their cars could get damaged in a serious way if they drive in inclement weather.

There are some people who will, unfortunately, put their own safety at risk to drive around in the snow. But many of those same people will think twice when they consider the damage that could be done to their vehicle while driving in the snow.

Print this winter slogan on a 7" Polar Ice Scraper to help them avoid "repenting" later. They'll appreciate your business for showing your concern for their car.

7. "Watch Your Step. It Could Be Your Last"

There are some winter sayings that are a little bit more dramatic than others. This one definitely fits squarely into that category.

But that doesn't mean that people should overlook it. It could potentially save their life this winter.

There are thousands of people who die as a result of slip and fall accidents every year. Many of those accidents occur while people are walking on ice.

One minute, these people are simply trying to make their way from their car into their home or vice versa. And the next, their families are planning funerals for them following a tragic accident.

Your company can help people to watch each and every step that they take by putting this winter slogan on a custom Recycled 10" Ice Scraper. Your warning will be just about impossible for them to ignore.

8. "Night More Than Doubles Traffic Troubles"

Did you know that the chances of a person getting into a fatal accident on the road are three times as high at night as during the day? There are some simple steps people can take to drive safely at night. For example, they can check to make sure their headlights are working properly every so often and slow down to give themselves enough time to react to an animal running out in the road or a car in front of them stopping suddenly.

They can also avoid driving at night when it's snowy and icy outside. The roads are more likely to freeze at night, which can make traveling on them difficult to do.

There is also a very real threat of black ice on the roads at night. Black ice blends in with the color of the road and makes it tough to spot. It can lull people into a false sense of security before causing them to slip and slide all over the road.

If your business wants to promote driving safely at night, Ice Scraper Mittens will make it easy to do. You can tell people how dangerous driving after dark is by printing this winter slogan in large letters.

9. "Winter Safety Is Cool"

When people hear the words "winter safety," they usually associate it with driving or walking around on snowy and icy sidewalks. But the truth is that winter safety is something people should practice in all the various aspects of their lives.

Winter safety includes:

  • Winterizing your home by replacing the weatherstripping on windows and doors and cleaning leaves out of gutters
  • Servicing your home's heating system so that it works properly
  • Installing carbon monoxide detectors to pick up on any CO that makes its way into your home through your garage or your heating system
  • Stocking up on food, water, batteries, and other supplies in case you ever lose power during a bad storm and can't get out
  • Wearing a heavy coat when it gets cold outside
  • And so much more

As you can see, winter safety is something people need to keep in mind when driving in the winter. But it's also something people need to keep in mind at other times, too.

Your company can promote winter safety as a whole by putting this simple but effective slogan on Deluxe Ice Scrapers Snowbrush. It'll force people to keep the importance of winter safety in mind as they go about their business this winter.

10. "Look Every Way, Every Day!"

Even though people will be using the branded ice scrapers that your company creates during the winter, for the most part, they'll likely remain in their cars all year round. So you might want to put a slogan that can apply to any time of the year and not just winter on them.

This slogan would do the trick if you were to put it on a Dynamo Ice Scraper. It would show people that they need to be aware of their surroundings 24/7/365.

When people are driving, they should always look out for:

  • Pedestrians
  • Other drivers
  • Motorcycle and bike riders
  • Animals
  • Kids
  • And all the other things they might encounter out on the road

By putting "Look every way, every day!" on an ice scraper, you can make people more mindful of the many things they need to look out for on a regular basis. It's one of the few slogans that will apply all year round.

Order Branded Ice Scrapers for Your Business Today

People are going to appreciate your business giving them branded ice scrapers, even if they don't have a slogan on them.

But the slogans that you see here will put your ice scrapers over the top and add an extra level to them. People will doubly appreciate the thought that you put into them and keep whatever slogans you choose in mind.

They'll also be more likely to patronize your business in the future when they feel like you actually care about them. It's why more and more businesses are turning to ice scrapers when they're looking for the best possible promotional products.

Would you like to see what you can put on an ice scraper? Contact us today to get more information and place an order.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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